quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

Celso de Mello is under pressure to change vote on features of the monthly allowance

"Celso de Mello is under pressure to change vote on features of the monthly allowance
Wilson Lima - iG Brasilia | 09.12.2013 15:14 - Updated 12/09/2013 at 16:20
Dean of the Court may give a casting vote on the validity of so-called embargoes infringing, that would allow to reopen the trial for crimes of conspiracy and money laundering for 12 defendants
Alan Sampaio / iG Brasilia
Justice Celso de Mello
The minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Celso de Mello turned under pressure last minute to change their understanding favorable to the validity of embargoes infringing, feature that can reopen the trial of the monthly allowance for defendants who received at least four votes in favor of his acquittal. The expectation is that the vote of the Dean is decisive for the presence or absence of these features.
Maneuver: Waiting for the Supreme Court decision, MEPs condemned the monthly allowance cogitate resignation
Yesterday (12), four ministers were in favor of infringing: Luis Roberto Barroso, Teori Zavascki, Rosa Weber and Dias Toffoli. The minister Ricardo Lewandowski is also strongly in favor of the validity of the ruling. Three ministers have spoken against: the Chief Justice Joaquim Barbosa, Luiz Fux and Carmen Lucia. Mendes has also publicly condemned the possibility of application of embargoes infringing. Marco Aurélio de Mello should also speak out against. "
Access: 09.12.2013

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